Auscontact National Awards night 2023
We had the absolute privilege of being part of the Auscontact National Awards on Friday 17th November. What an incredible night to celebrate the diversity and excellence across the contact centre industry! We saw agents, leaders, coaches, organisations and others recognised for outstanding performance, innovative programs, customer-centricity and employee engagement.
GRIST partnered with Auscontact to present two awards: the Service Excellence and Sales Excellence Awards; both based on GRIST’s assessment of submitted calls. This assessment is unique – it’s designed to objectively measure the quality of the conversation based on behaviours demonstrated that we know drive great customer outcomes.
Many behaviours overlap between Sales and Service as you would expect – great customer service has core commonalities across industry and conversation types. But there are some key behaviours unique to each conversation type that ensure the process is easy and appropriate for the customer. We had calls submitted by a range of industries across the country.
All the winners at the Auscontact National Awards, 17th November 2023
The GRIST Service Excellence Award finalists
Our Service Excellence Award finalists were:
Concentrix Services
nib Group Health
nib Group Travel
NobleOak Insurance
Teachers Mutual Bank
And our Sales Excellence Award finalists were:
Allianz Australia
nib Group Health
nib Group Travel
NobleOak Insurance
The GRIST Service Excellence Award finalists
We saw a lot of winners on Friday night, but no table screamed as loudly as nib Group Health did when they won not only our Service Excellence Award but also our Sales Excellence Award! Huge congratulations to nib Group Health, they were very worthy winners!
The big winners! nib Group Health took out both the Service Excellence and Sales Excellence Awards
What nib Group Health did exceptionally well in both their Service and Sales calls was keep consistent excellence throughout the whole conversation. From the setup, to strong questions, building trust to ask for the sale and providing extra information, nib Group Health ensured they were thinking about and connecting with their customers at all the moments that matter across a call.
As we reflect on the future for contact centres, we believe that this skill of connecting and deftly steering a conversation will become even more essential for agents to handle the more and more complex customer enquiries that will be coming their way.
We had a terrific time celebrating with all the winners and many of our clients, a truly exceptional way to cap off 2023 in style!
Congratulations to all the winners and finalists, and to Auscontact for pulling on a great show. We can’t wait to do it all again next year!
If you’d like to know more about the GRIST Service Excellence and Sales Excellence Awards, join us on Thursday 30th November for a webinar where we’ll unpack all the insights, talk about how we assess and dive into what our winners did to stand out. It’s delivered in collaboration with Auscontact and is free to attend; register here.