Consulting Skills Masterclass

World Economic Forum is predicted 50% of all employees will need to be reskilled in the next few years.

Australian demographics show that we will have a smaller cohort of working age people as the population ages.

If organisations don’t develop and retain the people they have, they risk becoming irrelevant, quickly.

The need for skilled L&D professionals that can help business units identify the skills they need in the future and find ways to accelerate skill development has never been more critical.

In this Consulting Skills Masterclass we hear GRIST MD, Peter Grist discuss the skills he has found most critical throughout a 30 year consulting career and some cool tools that you can use immediately!

You can download the tools Peter discusses here.

Want to be a part of our Masterclasses?

Anyone is welcome to join our Consulting Skills, Hot Topics or Tactical Coaching Masterclasses! We run them approximately every 2nd month; to get notification of when our next webinar is scheduled, sign up to our mailing list below.

Kate Goldby

Kate has spent years honing her ability to pick up on the most nuanced conversation behaviours. She spends much of her time eavesdropping on customer-consultant interactions to identify how organisations can deliver the experience that customers deserve. Kate is the GRIST team member most likely to be asked to help with something outside her remit, and it’s her can-do attitude that makes her such a valued part of the GRIST team.

Unlocking the Full Potential of L&D: The Trusted Advisor Model


James Clear ‘Atomic Habits’ event: Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland