Tactical Coaching Masterclass: The Seinfeld Method
Kate Goldby Kate Goldby

Tactical Coaching Masterclass: The Seinfeld Method

In this Tactical Coaching Masterclass, we look at Jerry Seinfeld's simple but effective key to success: focusing on maintaining his chain of writing every day, he was able to consistently produce quality work and avoid procrastination. David McQueen spoke about how choosing a simple, meaningful task and focusing on maintaining your chain, you too can build a habit of consistency and avoid procrastination.

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The Progress Principle
David McQueen David McQueen

The Progress Principle

In a previous blog post, we discussed the Seinfeld Strategy and how it can help you beat procrastination and maintain consistency in achieving your goals. Today, we'll take a closer look at another effective approach to productivity and goal attainment: the Progress Principle.

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The Seinfeld Strategy: beat procrastination
David McQueen David McQueen

The Seinfeld Strategy: beat procrastination

Jerry Seinfeld is widely regarded as one of the most successful comedians of all time, with a career that includes numerous awards, high earnings, and critical acclaim. But what sets Seinfeld apart from other successful performers is the remarkable consistency he has maintained throughout his career. Show after show, year after year, Seinfeld has produced at a level that most of us can only dream of achieving.
So, what strategies does Seinfeld use to beat procrastination and maintain his consistency? The answer may surprise you: it's the simple act of creating and maintaining a chain.

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The easy way to improve your habits at work 
Peter Grist Peter Grist

The easy way to improve your habits at work 

Have you ever thought about how analysing your conversations can make a big difference on the results you get at work? Have you tried to to make big sweeping changes only to be overwhelmed by the change? Improving habits at work doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are three easy steps to help you improve your habits to get the results you want.

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How to make humour your learning superpower
Caitlin Ziegler Caitlin Ziegler

How to make humour your learning superpower

Scientific research backs up the use of humour in Learning and Development to aid retention and engagement. Learn the Do’s and Don’ts and see how GRIST is using humour and micro-behaviours to deliver essential knowledge in an economical way.

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The Power of Calibration
Kate Goldby Kate Goldby

The Power of Calibration

Evaluating a team member’s performance is what we do all the time as coaches, but how often do you evaluate your own performance?

We all accept that assessment is a critical part of our professional development. But the ability to self-assess your own performance is one of the most critical skills for leaders, especially as you continue to grow into more senior leadership roles.

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The importance of a coaching culture with Peter Grist
Kate Goldby Kate Goldby

The importance of a coaching culture with Peter Grist

To round out our coaching webinar series for 2022, we were joined by special guest, and GRIST Managing Director, Peter Grist.

With more than 20 years experience working with customer focused organisations - Peter told us of his passion for building a coaching culture and provided some amazing insight into how you can follow his lead.

It was also a rare opportunity for you to ask your burning coaching questions - and we had some great ones!

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Auscontact Service Excellence Award 2022: GRIST insights
Caitlin Ziegler Caitlin Ziegler

Auscontact Service Excellence Award 2022: GRIST insights

This webinar takes a deep-dive into the data insights from this year’s assessment of the Auscontact Service Excellence Award, including what some of our finalists and the winners did differently. The Service Excellence Award is based on GRIST’s assessment of submitted service calls, designed to objectively measure the quality of the customer service conversation based on micro-behaviours demonstrated that drive great customer outcomes.

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Tactical Coaching Masterclass: the ‘All Talk, No Action’ cycle
Kate Goldby Kate Goldby

Tactical Coaching Masterclass: the ‘All Talk, No Action’ cycle

In our ACDC tactical coaching calibration webinars, we take an in-depth look at the 20 micro-behaviours that make up the 4 phases of our ACDC Tactical Leadership model and calibrate on what they sound like when demonstrated in a real coaching conversation.

This webinar tackles a common coaching problem: the ‘All Talk, No Action’ cycle.

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How you can ensure your development strategy is also a retention strategy
Peter Grist Peter Grist

How you can ensure your development strategy is also a retention strategy

It costs on average 33% of an employee’s salary to replace them. Take this up to 50% if it’s a specialised or highly skilled role. This is why retention strategies matter. One of the key components of any retention strategy should be a development one – but how do we ensure our development strategy is working for our retention strategy?

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Why your retention strategy should focus on building a coaching culture
Peter Grist Peter Grist

Why your retention strategy should focus on building a coaching culture

It might feel like retention is all anyone is talking about at the moment. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, we’ve just experienced the highest job mobility rate in 10 years. Why does this matter? It costs on average 33% of an employee’s salary to replace them; and one in three hires will leave within two years. This article explores how you can use your leaders to drive development and build a coaching culture as a strategy for retention.

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Tactical Coaching Masterclass: the ‘I’m not doing that’ team member
Kate Goldby Kate Goldby

Tactical Coaching Masterclass: the ‘I’m not doing that’ team member

In our ACDC tactical coaching calibration webinars, we take an in-depth look at the 20 micro-behaviours that make up the 4 phases of our ACDC Tactical Leadership model and calibrate on what they sound like when demonstrated in a real coaching conversation.

This webinar tackles a common coaching problem: the ‘I’m not doing that’ team member.

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Tactical Coaching Masterclass: the ‘I want to but I can’t’ team member
Kate Goldby Kate Goldby

Tactical Coaching Masterclass: the ‘I want to but I can’t’ team member

In our ACDC tactical coaching calibration webinars, we take an in-depth look at the 20 micro-behaviours that make up the 4 phases of our ACDC Tactical Leadership model and calibrate on what they sound like when demonstrated in a real coaching conversation.

This webinar tackles a common coaching problem: the ‘I want to but I can’t’ team member.

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GRIST's Top 10 Sales Contact Centre Insights 2022
Caitlin Ziegler Caitlin Ziegler

GRIST's Top 10 Sales Contact Centre Insights 2022

Each year GRIST conducts the Top 10 analysis to assess the state of the sales conversation across the Australian contact centre industry and recognise those who are demonstrating an outstanding experience for their customers.

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Nothing changes! (Breaking down ACDC - Commitment)
Kate Goldby Kate Goldby

Nothing changes! (Breaking down ACDC - Commitment)

We take a deeper look at the small coaching behaviours that you have to nail to really turn the talk into the walk. The final chapter of the coaching model brings the insights and learnings from the previous phases in your session into future practice.

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